Post 10…February 2023…Let us Be Strong in the Lord


So, what does it look like to be strong in the Lord?  Maybe your opinion won’t be how I see it, but maybe it will.  I only want to provide the truth but I am human and because I am, and as hard as I try to give you the truth and only the truth…if I mess up, at times, I truly am sorry.  But as usual…no matter what I say you go to the scriptures and search it out so that you will know the truth.  The truth really does set us free.

As the apostle Paul begins to close his letter to the Ephesian church, he makes this appeal: “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” (Ephesians 6:10). The word translated “be strong” here actually means “be strengthened,” as rendered in the New English Translation: “Finally, be strengthened in the Lord and in the strength of his power.” It is through His power, that is the Holy Spirit’s power, that we can be strengthened.  I can’t truly ever be strengthened on my own.  I don’t even want to try for I know that the Lord, through His Holy Spirit, will give me the strength I need to go through whatever comes my way.

Most of us have some form of a family.  Some quite a few family members, while others may not have that for whatever reason.  Yet, in Christ we, as Christians are all family and need to start to act like it.  As family shouldn’t we be there for one another in not only the good times of life, but the bad ones as well.  Are we really living like our Christian brothers and sisters really are family and matter to us?


Question:  If and when you see another brother or sister in need of a friend…are you one?  If you see them in need of something you can help them with, or give them comfort…do you?  In being honest here…we should all state the fact that we have failed many times over when it comes to this. Maybe, just maybe, shouldn’t we be working on this part a wee bit more?


Our life should be growing in the Lord not hiding under some rock somewhere.  God has a standard for His followers not only in our own personal family, but also in the family of God.


We need to be fighting the spiritual battles for what they really are. There is a battle going on so that we won’t make it to heaven, and so those we love won’t make it.  The devil is a liar, a thief, and a murderer.  He will do whatever to get us to walk away from God and he is quite good at deceiving people.  You want to fight this battle then stay focused on Jesus, do as He says, and fight the good fight of faith as well.


Paul reminded believers that the Christian life means participation in a spiritual battle. From his own experience, the apostle knew the opposition is real and the warfare intense: “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand” (Ephesians 6:12–13).

Since believers are engaged in an ongoing spiritual battle with the powers of darkness, they cannot endure without the power of God.  We need God’s power to get through all the garbage that is tossed our way.  To be strong in the Lord and the power of His might is vital to living a victorious Christian life. We can’t let our guard down.  We must stand strong and to do that we need the Holy Spirit to walk with us and to fill us with His power.


What is being strong in the Lord anyway?  It is not something mysterious.  If you don’t understand what it is then how will you know if you have it? 

To be strong in the Lord does not involve building up your own strength. Believers cannot strengthen themselves in the Lord; rather, they must be empowered or be strengthened and you do that through knowing Jesus, and the power the Holy Spirit will give to you so you can overcome even in the most difficult of times.  You are not to be strong by the Lord, but in the Lord.  We must have a relationship with Jesus…a personal relationship with Jesus…for then…and only then is our life positioned in Him and not in ourself or another person. It is in Him that we possess the power to overcome the problems of this life.  We need to understand that Jesus is the head of the church…the only head of the church.  It belongs to Him and not to man to do whatever they want to do.  When we are in Him we can overcome the enemy…or enemies each and every time they rear their evil heads.


Jesus said, “Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:4–5). The believer’s empowerment comes from being in Jesus. Apart from Him, we can do nothing, but in Christ we have at our disposal all the strength of His might.


Why do we have such a difficult time believing that God is strong, loves us, and wants us to be victorious?  Why do we so often fall for the garbage of the enemy and believe that garbage?  Why? God loves us and wants us to be victorious, but the devil wants us to fail, to distrust God, and to question anything to do with God.


Paul had prayed that his readers might understand and experience “what is the immeasurable greatness of his power toward us who believe, according to the mighty working of his strength. He exercised this power in Christ by raising him from the dead and seating him at his right hand in the heavens—far above every ruler and authority, power and dominion, and every title given, not only in this age but also in the one to come. And he subjected everything under his feet and appointed him as head over everything for the church, which is his body, the fullness of the one who fills all things in every way” (Ephesians 1:19–23, CSB).

When Paul encourages believers to “be strong in the Lord,” he is calling them to faithfulness—to abiding in Christ and trusting in the Lord’s power for everything in life.  Think a moment about your life.  Maybe you are one who doesn’t have to worry about money to pay your bills, buy or go wherever you want…but that is not what most of us have in life.  I find it so odd that so many rich people think they must have a mansion with a dozen bedrooms and bathrooms…and think they are more important than all the rest of us.  Funny thing is I don’t care what they own, have, their fame etc…if they have all that I do pray that they use what they have to bless others.  However, I see more really poor people who help others way more than these rich, famous, and stuff oriented people.  I don’t envy what they have nor do I want what they have.  You see…I have heaven ahead and I will be blessed there with whatever God gives me, but on this earth…isn’t it enough to know I/you are blessed even if we are not rich in stuff.  Yes, we all need money to pay our bills, buy the things we “need” and so on…but stuff does not define us…Jesus does!


 True Christian strength comes from recognizing our utter dependence on God. This is what Paul meant when he wrote, “I am able to do all things through him who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13, CSB).

Often we are strongest in the Lord when we operate in the realm of human weakness. God allowed Satan to afflict Paul, but God’s purpose was to keep Paul humble and to demonstrate His power in his life: “But [Jesus] said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me” (2 Corinthians 12:9).


God did not say that we would have this great and rich life, that we would not suffer losses, health issues, job issues, and anything else.  God did say that He was here for us and would walk with us through the storms of life and He has never let me down…not once!


I sure made a lot of misjudgments prior.  Yet, there Jesus was and He walked with me and took me down roads I sure did not want to go…but when I got through them and the consequences of my own dumb actions…I could actually see that He was there with me.  That amazes me still knowing there are billions of people and He cares for me. 


The power of Christ in the Christian’s life can be defined as “power in weakness,” for the Lord’s grace is apprehended only in recognition of our weakness.

Throughout the Bible, God delights in demonstrating His power in situations where human strength is lacking (1 Samuel 14:6–151 Corinthians 1:27). When we are weak in ourselves, we are strong in the Lord because God’s strength becomes evident: “For he was crucified in weakness, but he lives by the power of God. For we also To be strong in the Lord means to be in spiritual union with Christ. Only then can we experience both the weakness of the cross and the power of the resurrection (Romans 6:5).


I am but one person, but I am one person who met Jesus Christ and asked Him to come into my life and give me truth, knowledge, and understanding.  I don’t know everything but I learn more and more by studying Him and His word.  I know I don’t want to go to hell, and I don’t want anyone else to either. I want to be victorious over the tests, temptations, and trials of life.  I need the Holy Spirit to train me and help me be able to fight the enemy.  Yes, I absolutely need the power of the strength of the Holy Spirit. 


Now, may the Lord draw you, teach you, comfort you, and show you the truth in all things.  You study His word and believe it always over whatever people want to tell you if what they tell you doesn’t line up with His word.  God doesn’t change and sin will always be sin no matter what laws they try to change.  You trust God!!!

God bless you!