Post 118…Lord, I Messed Up Again!

Friday November 25, 2022

“O God, thou knowest my foolishness; and my sins are not hid from thee.” Psalms 69:6


God knows everything.  Why do we think we can ever hide anything from Him, or why don’t we just go to God instantly when we do something that would be against what God wants us to do?


Lord, I sure know how to mess up don’t I?  I don’t want to mess up but something in me…does some really dumb things at times.  Forgive me! 

The Bible said that David was a man after His own heart. ( First Samuel 13:14) (Acts 13:22).  Well David messed up too.  He sure was not a perfect man. He also did some really dumb things.   He committed adultery with Bathsheba and had her husband killed in an attempt to cover his sin. Now even though God knew David would mess up David has qualities God could work with.  And as flawed as we see David, God wanted David to become king.  As many things as David did David still desired to please God.  Don’t we also want to please God as well?  One of the stories about David is when David was fearless in front of the Army of Saul and went out and killed Goliath. (1 Samuel 17.  As I said, we all mess up but when we come to the Lord and surrender to Him our life changes for all eternity.  We can make it through whatever comes our way.  That, however, never gives us the right to sin…nor should we.

1 Kings 15:5 says, “David did that which was right in the eyes of the Lrod, and turned not aside from anything that he commanded him all the days of his life, save only in the matter of Uriah the Hittite.”

I don’t know how my different sins over my life truly impacted other people, and I sure can’t go back and have a redo.  I didn’t always make wise choices, and I guess sometimes I still don’t make the wisest of choices.  I wish I did and I sure try to, but these lessons are about being honest in what I say…I still mess up at times.  One thing for sure I sure know how to beat myself up for my past sins.  I know God has forgiven me because I confessed them and repented, but they still pop up at times to cause me anguish of soul.  I know the things I have done in my life should never have happened and were wrong with God…but I did them.  People can talk us into things for sure….but no one can make us do wrong.  We did it, and we do it by our own actions.  Let us stop this insanity.  Let’s get off the sin rollercoaster.

As I said, I have messed up and I know that God never says sin is okay.  Not from me and not from you.  God holds us responsible for our sins….but will forgive us when we confess and change direction.  Even David had consequences for his sins.  Bathsheba got pregnant but their baby died.  When we go on sinning we miss out on so very many blessings for our life.   But, you and I can be confident, that when we sincerely repent, humble ourselves before God, and make things right, we will EVERY TIME receive His mercy and love. God wants to forgive His children.

God doesn’t forget that we are imperfect humans. However, He has given us ways in which to make things right with Him and to change our destiny. We live in a world of sin and evil, and we are going to mess up, at times, by thought, word, and deed.  Let us consider each and every day we have on this earth and if anything is not right with God…let us go to God and make it right again. 

We need to stop beating ourself up because we mess up.  We can always go to God and make things right.  God would rather we change than have to punish us for our action. 

Now may God bless you, keep you, protect your way, heal your body, and give you His peace.  God bless you!