Post 48 The Fundamental Nature of Faith


Can you be a Christian if you have no faith in God, the Bible, and in who God is?  Belief, confidence, trust, devotion, and conviction…they are what faith is.  God is so good and He never changes.  Through His love, He gives us opportunities to become more loving, kind, considerate, and the ability to do His will. 

God loved us even before by earthly standards there was even a glimmer of us.  He even loved us before we were conceived.  We are not an accident.  God gave us life and in that life, He has had a plan for us.  We can go with the plan or by free will choose not to.  God doesn’t force anyone to love Him, want a relationship with Him, or even go to heaven to be with Him for all eternity.  We, by our own choices in life, decide where we will spend eternity.

God has given us so very much no matter how much we physically have (stuff).  His love is wonderful.   When we love God we grow in faith, seeking to please Him daily. Oh, the joy of meeting Him daily and sharing our thoughts, our fears, our dreams, our hopes…but do we listen then to what He wants for us?

I want and need a daily dose of faith.  We live in a fallen and evil world right now.  Things don’t always go our way.  Stuff happens and when it does we can live on that faith we proclaim or fall from it.  I need faith to get me through each day.  By faith in Him no matter the challenges that come my way, I can stand on His promises, and I can choose that no matter the trials that come my way to decide to stand firm in my faith.

When should we seek God?  All the time.  In the good times, in the bad times, in the time of suffering and pain.  It is easy to seek God when all goes well, but it is also in the hard times that we need to lean on Him and trust Him that somehow we will make it through.