Post 29…July 2023…The Garden of God…The Miracle

    There is a great and mighty miracle that most have not even researched or possibly even heard about.  There is a great and mighty miracle in God’s Garden and we need to look at this story because it will bless us and help us to understand some very important information.

    The very day that man was created was on the 6th day.  God created man and brought him into a beautiful life-producing garden.  For me, I picture this garden as absolutely perfect and beautiful.  Now look ahead to the day of redemption.  It was also on the 6th day and man brought God into the garden of death…where there was a garden tomb. Garden the symbol of life, and tomb the symbol of death.

    God had placed man (Adam) in a garden, but it wasn’t the end of the story.  For Adam it was the beginning of the story.  God put man into this garden to tend to it and it was a very functioning garden.  It took work to maintain it and it was ongoing.

    So now jump forward again to when man placed Messiah/Jesus it was into the garden of death and laid Jesus in a tomb. 

    A garden tomb is the most radical of places for a tomb is a place of endings…death, but a garden is a place of beginnings.  Tombs are where life ends.  Gardens are where life begins (yes, I already said that).  But in the garden life begins.  It surely did for each of us that day even though we were not yet born.  The tomb in this particular garden is the place of death and of life.  The end…yet a miracle beginning

    A place of life after death: The resurrection!  How does life begin in a garden?  Well, it rises up from the earth.  This was the rising of our Messiah/Jesus from the earth. 

    What rises in a garden?  That which descended to the earth.  The seed!!!!!!!  What did Messiah liken His death to?  A seed falling into the earth and dying.  (That is important)

    And what happened to the seed of Messiah’s life?  It was burriend in the garden tomb…Then it bore life and rose!  Praise God Jesus arose for each and every one of us that is His.It is an ongoing work for us just like it was an ongoing work for Adam in the first garden.  We are to tend what God has given us.

    Whatever we bring to the garden of Jesus, whatever we plant there in the garden tomb of Jesus will bear a miracle.  We plant our past, our sins, our pains, our brokenness and broken dreams, our heart aches, our old life, our failures, our losses, our sorrows, our tears and so on.  We take our whatever to the tomb of Jesus. We take it there and allow it to die because He says to give all to Him.  He already paid the price for all of it.  We don’t need to hang onto it any longer.  Whatever we let go of here at the tomb of Jesus dies there.  We plant it all there with Him.  Now it arises because we planted those seeds and now we get new life in and through Him.  The tomb is now become the Garden of God Almighty and the ground is full of glorious miracles for us. 

    We take our life to Him and leave it there and now we live for Him.  We no longer have to carry the weight of our life and sins around.  We plant the seeds and God brings the “Son” and helps us grown.  He gives us the “Sonlight of heaven”…He waters us, He pulls the weeds of life so we have space to grow in Him.  We plant each little seed of our life there and somehow a great and mighty miracle comes along and it is salvation for His children.  His life and death, to me, mean everything.  He gave me the greatest miracles of all…living for Him, loving Him, and Him loving me. Life and death from garden to tomb…to the resurrection of each of us is amazing. All of us will one day die or God will take us home in the rapture.  Either way is amazing because if we are His we will get to cross over into heaven and spend all eternity with Him.  Why would we even ever do anything now to mess that up?