Post 14…January 2023…God’s Spiritual Nuggets

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Count your blessings for you have many even going on in times of crisis in your life. 

God, however, is under no obligation to grant you more blessings, when we don’t even recognize the blessings that He has already given to us, nor thank Him for them.

Ever notice how people have a natural tendency to remember things that impact their lives (especially the bad), but few recall the blessings and grace that have been extended to them each day even when they don’t realize it?  Even the air in our lungs is a blessing.

The songwriter said, “count your many blessings, name them one by one, count your blessings and see what God hath done…”

Today, many Christians spend a great deal of time and effort vainly looking for blessings already available to them.  They pray for God’s light, although He has already supplied light in abundance to them through His word.  They pray for strength, more love, and peace but not everyone understands what God has done for them and all that He has offered them.

Paul says that God’s own love is already poured out within their hearts through the Holy Spirit.  They pray for more grace, although the Lord says the grace He has already given is sufficient.  They pray for peace, although the Lord has given them His own peace, “which surpasses all of our understanding”.  Somehow the devil has caused us to think that these blessings are scarcely available, or that they are reluctantly shared by God.  2 Chronicles 16:9 “For the eyes of the Lord run to and from throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.”  God is busy looking at you, listening to you, and working behind what you can see. 

Prepare to be blessed because one reason we don’t enjoy more of the blessings of God is that we just are not prepared to receive them. 

We are quick to forget our many blessings and slow to forget our misfortunes. We ask the government to give us more and more benefits, yet God has provided us with everything.  Our scripture says that He daily loadeth us with benefits.  He has already given us more than we understand or comprehend, and how many are extremely grateful for each blessing they have?

God’s Welfare Roll:  I am needy!  You are needy!  If you think that is a wrong statement…you are wrong. We came into this world needing god and all He offers and we die still needing Him and what He offers to us.  Every breath we are blessed with…be thankful! 

God says to lean on Him, trust Him, give Him your all, and He says He shall supply our needs (He did not say He would supply our greed).  I need Him every day, every hour, every second.  I can’t make it through this world without Him nor do I ever want to.  I am not ashamed of my Lord or being on His welfare roll.  If anyone wants to think they make it in this world alone that is up to them, but I need God and I want what He has promised for my life.  I want that for you as well.  We don’t ever need to try to hoard God because there is enough of God for each of us.  There is enough of God for all of us…and I just want my little part.  I don’t have to hoard God.  God’s word says that He daily loadeth us with benefits so every day we wake up we have another chance to change.  God offers each of us eternal life with Him…but each of us can accept or reject His precious gift.  The gift He offers us cost Him everything. 

I pray that all of us today not only pray and ask God to supply our needs but even more believe that He has already provided them to us.  Lord, I receive your gifts, and thank you so much for each of them.