Post 42 Sanity in this crazy world

Sanity In This Crazy World


How do you learn to be at peace in the crazy world we are living?  Just think about what all is going on in this day and age.  Even a year ago life was different and seemed sort of normal didn’t it?  Then one day we wake up and the world has gone quite mad.  Everyone is living in fear and those we love they are told to stay away from us because if they come near we can get sick or die.  Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask.  Do this, don’t do this.  Think how many people have lost jobs, homes, money, and so much more.  People who worked all their life are out of work and many who had a dream of a business…lost their business.  It is so sad to know that so many people are hurting so badly.  Then we have the wackos who are destroying everything out there in certain cities and nothing is being done.  These people worked hard for so long to open a business to care for those they love and these crazies go around thinking they are intitled to destroy what others worked for.  It is just wrong.  Then what about the politician crooks out there.  They were to work for us and instead they try to destroy our American way of life.  People lived and died to give us freedom….and the want to destroy us and what we believe.  We can’t allow that to happen.  They are corrupt, liars, thieves, destroyers of dreams, even some are murderers, and so much more.  It is time to fire all these wackos, and put God back into America.

The world has turned crazy beyond anything we ever imagined or maybe even can imagine.  Wasn’t so long ago that things in this world made sense most of the time, but all of a sudden good is declared evil and evil is declared good.  Only thing is God does not agree with this assessment. God is good and all His ways are good.  He is the one we need to get us through this world. 


Isaiah 5:20 “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil.”


Well, we can keep some sanity even in the midst of the crazy world we are living in at this time.  As Christians we have Jesus to walk with us.  Can you really imagine living this craziness without Jesus?  I know I sure don’t want to live without Jesus.  As Christians we can go to the word of God and find truth and peace for our life even in the midst of struggles.  It is when we give each and every day to God that we grasp the true meaning of life. 

 We Are IN The LORD • Philippians 4:1

As a Christian, Jesus is our greatest blessing. We need a personal relationship with Him every day of our life. 

Ephesians 1:3 “All spiritual blessings in Christ”

It is time everyone we stand on the word of God, give God praise and worship. 
We are to stand firm in the LORD. We all want peace in our life and it is Jesus that gives us true peace even in the midst of the storms of life.

Let us joyfully rejoice In The LORD.  Honor God with all of your being



Trust the Lord for the bible tells us it better to trust God than man. Psalm 118;8

God keeps His promises and so should we

Don’t Worry:   Do you know, that it is not wrong to worry about a loved one who is sick or hurting.  It is not wrong to worry when someone we love is in harms ways.  But…………………………………………when we don’t trust the Lord to help us make it through the storm then the worry is out of hand. If a loved one is not saved…keep praying and believing.  Ask God to draw them to Him. 

Try to be happy even in the difficult times of life.  Not always easy right?  But we need to take the negative things in our life and replace them with the things of God….His word…His truth…praise and worship.  When we go into our prayer closet and worship Him….He definitely hears our prayers and His timing is perfect even when we don’t understand it. Know that as you are a child of God you are headed for heaven…so stay in Him. 


It is time to begin to fill your heart, your mind, and what you do and say with Godly things and words.  Philippians 4:8  Think on good things, and the mind will not wander towards evil things. If it starts….get back to praising our precious Lord.
Keep God’s words in your heart for your protection. Don’t open the door to the devil and his schemes.

Now… is time to go into your world.  God might not ever send you on a journey elsewhere…but wherever you are is your world and someone needs to hear the word of God.  You don’t have to be a scholar…just share what you do know about Jesus and what He did for you.  Ask God to teach you more about Jesus and His word.  The more you learn…the more you can share.


When we follow Jesus and He is our Lord and Savior….then God is with us in the good and the bad times.  He is watching over our soul, and one day He will welcome us into heaven.  Praise the Lord!

Now, I want you to hear this:  yes, the world has gone crazy.  It is pretty bad but God told us way ahead of time it would get crazy.  It scares us even to see what is going on in the world and what will happen to our family.  We want our family safe and provided for and what we are seeing in this world right now is satan working the system and blinding the eyes of people so they don’t even see it. 


The biggest thing I see wrong is that even one person would be lost and not have Jesus in their life.  We need Him.  Our souls yearn for Him. How sad to know someone heard the word and rejected Jesus and will spend eternity in hell when they could have gone to heaven.  So as crazy as it gets…just keep praying and sharing Jesus in whatever way or form that God gives  you to do it. 


We have all let Jesus down over and over…now is the time to get right with God and change our destiny if we are on the wrong road.  I totally encourage you if you don’t know Jesus that you meet Him and ask Him to come into your life.  Time on earth is getting short and we do not know the day or hour of His coming…so we must be ready and we must be about our Father’s business. It is such a good thing to give thanks to our wonderful Lord.  There is nothing like Him.  I know I want to spend eternity with the Lord and everyone who is there.  I don’t want even one to be lost.  So I will pray for people and tell them about Jesus. 

We want and need sanity…and with Jesus it sure is a lot easier!


Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to read this.