Post 43: Overcome Difficulties

All of us, at some point in our life, have to go through difficulties.  They come and go like the wind in a storm.  We might feel a slight breeze or we might feel like a hurricane.  Because we all go through difficulties we need to believe in God who is the very one who can help us get through whatever we face in life.  God cares even when we think and feel alone.  God doesn't abandon us.  Some people think that God should just stop our difficulties when we have them.  But God has said in this world we will face problems. Why?  Because we are yet living in a fallen world.  Sometimes the things we face are not of our doing: but other times we do something that causes them.  

God will bring you through your problems,  but even that, can take time.  God's timetable is not ours.  Yes, God could just say "problems go" and they would, but He doesn't always do that.  When we face problems in life it is easy to think we don't feel His presence.   That does not mean that God is not right there with us. Know this: God is not too busy for us, but many times, He allows things and can use every situation we go through.   The Bible tells us that God cares for all His creation.  He cares about what happens even to the sparrows, and we are worth so much more than a sparrow. God says that He knows every hair on our heads.  Everything we go through in our life God is aware of and works behind what we see

Do you love the Lord?  Do you have a personal relationship with Him?  We must love Him and trust Him in every area of our life.  We can't just choose what we want to believe.  God is always near His children.  No matter what we go through in life it is our responsibility to draw close to Him.  If we feel distant from God it is not God that needs to change it is us that needs to change.  

Each of us needs to put this into our hearts.  Whether we feel God is near or not: He is with us.  He cares about us.  He is omnipresent.  He is approachable.  We can talk to Him day or night 24/7.  Our prayers reach Him all the time.  God doesn't lie. For He has said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5b, NKJV) * God assured us, "I'll never let you down, never walk off and leave you.” (Hebrews 13:5b, MSG) It is time to make a choice.   Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. (James 4:8, NLT)  The Lord is near to those who are discouraged; he saves those who have lost all hope. (Psalm 34:18, GNT) God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. (Psalm 46:1, NIV) God will search us out.  He leaves the 99 to go after the one.  Are you  the one that He needs to come for?  I will search for the lost and bring back the strays. I will bind up the injured and strengthen the weak. (Ezekiel 34:16a, NIV) Our Lord knows everything about us.  He knows our hearts and knows the choice we will make, yet we are the ones who must choose for ourselves. If we do wrong it was our own choice to do so.  So don’t be afraid; you are worth so much to the Lord. 

Today, right now, each of us has an opportunity to turn our life around.  Are you willing to make the right choice?