Post 64 The Lord’s Prayer Discussed

The disciples asked Jesus how to pray and Jesus gave them an example of praying.  It was not meant to be repeated word for word all the time but was an example of the things one should pray for.  Most of us growing up, if we were Christian, were taught the Lord’s prayer.  The prayer example takes in many of the very things, we all should be praying for.  The Lord didn’t give them, nor us, a long  drawn out prayer.  The Lord’s prayer is only like 72 words long.  The Lord’s prayer is, is more of a  template to pray. It is a prayer of components on what to pray for.  When we pray what we pray for can change our life.

Here are the components, the petitions on one’s prayers, of the Lord’s prayer.  As you are praying think about what you are praying for and why.   Your prayer doesn’t have to be long. 


Example:  “Our Father, who art in heaven”

1) God’s glory – praise and adoration for who He is (“Hallowed be thy name”) God is so Holy!

2) God’s kingdom (“Thy kingdom come”)

3) God’s will (“Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven”)

Petitions for Us:

1) Our needs (“Give us this day, our daily bread”)

2) Our forgiveness (“And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us”)

3) Our protection (“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil”)

Closing and Doxology (“For thine is the kingdom and the power, and the glory, forever and ever. Amen.”)


Use the Lord’s Prayer as an Outline

For each line in the Lord’s Prayer think about it and then make the Lord’s Prayer your own. Use your own words, so the prayer speaks directly from your heart to God. Use words you use all the time, don’t make it into this long-drawn-out prayer. One Example: (Remember it is you that is praying to God in your own words)

Father God, creator of heaven and earth, I praise you and worship your name. There is no one Holy but you Lord.  Help me Lord to daily remember that.

May I know you more deeply each day by learning and growing in relationship with you?


Lord, I pray for your will to be done in my life.  I know, at times, that it is very difficult to surrender all to you, but I ask you to help me with this. 


Lord, I pray for my daily provisions (daily needs) to be met, especially the needs of my heart, and show me daily what I need to do and what I need to change to be closer to you.

Daily bread doesn’t just refer to just literal food—it implies everything a person needs to grow. While this includes physical things, like food, water, and a place to live, it also represents a person’s spiritual nourishment as well. May the Lord keep us physically and spiritually.


Lord, forgive me of my sins.  I know that sin separates me from you, and I no longer want anything between us.  Help me to not sin.  Give me the strength to stand against the tempter. I am a sinner, and you know every sin I have committed.  Please forgive me and help me change.  Forgive them as well if they hurt me in any way.

Acknowledging the mistakes you’ve made and asking God to forgive you for them. You’re also sharing your intent to forgive the people who have wronged you in your life, whether it’s a family member, friend, co-worker, or acquaintance.


Protect me from all the evils of this world and the strength to resist any temptations that comes my way.  Help me to stand strong in your word and to use your word whenever I am tempted.  I know temptations come, but I want to resist them so that the tempter flees.

People are faced with all kinds of choices as they travel through life. Ask God to help you make the correct, most holy decisions instead of giving into temptation.


Lord, may all glory come to you from my life.  You are Holy Lord, and I need you every moment of every day.  Thank you for loving me and never leaving me.




As you pray let your prayers bring you closer to God.  How you pray matters way more than where you pray. Jesus, Himself,  reminds His followers that it’s better to pray in a locked room than to pray in a public, visible spot. But this doesn’t mean that it is not okay to pray in a public setting.  Just pray for the right reasons, and don’t think you can do it to earn your way to heaven.  God is a personal God and wants a relationship with you.   Remember this is a prayer from you to God.  God wants to hear from you personally.  You can ask Him anything and tell Him anything.  God doesn’t always answer prayers in the way we think He should, but He will answer them in the way they should be answered…even if, at the time, we somehow don’t agree with that decision from God. We also need to learn to be thankful for each and everything in our life.  Whenever you pray…pray to Jesus.  Spend quality time with Him, and then stop……………….listen…………….for God is the other part of your prayer and He just might want to tell you something too.


Enter his gates with thanksgiving
    and his courts with praise;
    give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the Lord is good and his love endures forever;
    his faithfulness continues through all generations.

Psalm 100:4-5 (NIV)


Are you hoping to deepen your relationship with God through prayer? The Lord’s Prayer is a great place to start, especially if you don’t have a lot of experience praying on your own. Make your prayer personal and to God.  Don’t just say words.  Let your words mean something.  There is nothing you can say to God that He hasn’t heard.  He wants a relationship with you.