Post 41 Lord, Take Me Deeper


Lord, Take me Deeper! (notes)

Lord, Take me deeper with you than I have ever been.   I thank You for Your Word. Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  Your word is truly food to my soul and I can’t live without it. I can’t even take one breath that you don’t allow me to have.  Empower me to honestly grasp the deepest meaning of every word in scripture so that I can tell someone about your great love for us. Give me a better understanding than I have ever had before, and disclose to me the hidden treasures buried there. Give me great discernment Lord so I can always tell if someone is not telling the truth of your word.   I pray that I will have a heart that is teachable and open to what You want me to know. Teach me so I may learn the depth that you want me to W

Stay focused everyone!  The major trick of the enemy is distraction. Look around everyone.  Haven’t you been distracted by the stuff going on in the world this year especially?  Politics, hate, racism, lies, corruption, masks on masks off, stay away from your family and others, don’t go out…don’t have any fun, don’t go to church, don’t go to the gym, kids stay home from school and have no one to play with or socialize with, no movies, and even today many businesses have not reopened, and many lost their businesses, people lost their savings, and many their homes and jobs, and a thousand other things. This is not our world any longer.  There is no respect anywhere…what about all the kneeling at any sport?  What about the lies and deceptions going on in DC?  What about the riots all over the place with people stealing, burning what does not belong to them, beating people up, raping, murdering people, drugs everywhere, filth everywhere?  You are being distracted for sure so what are you personally going to do about it?  The cities run by the left and their crazy politicians are not acing in the interest of its people they are acting in the interest of the devil, the corrupt politicians, the lying media.  90 plus percent of what you hear out there are lies.  The left has so-called fact checkers…but they are the left and they only let you write and post what their opinion is.  We are being by all this and so much more.  It must stop, and we must fight the battle with God at the helm.  He is bigger!   (Sorry, that was long…sorry)

We must empty ourselves of all that is not godly, learn the truth, and act upon the truth. Our actions should mimic the Lord’s actions.  We can’t have one foot in the world and one foot in the Kingdom of God.  It won’t work.  We must make a choice as to whom we will serve.

“Forgetting those things which are behind….” We all have a past and for many of us we would rather be living there because life was easier and it made sense to us.  What we are seeing today makes no sense at all.  Because the past “seemed” better to us it ends up, at times, being the strongest hold on  our life and the one that is the hardest to let go.

The past is one of the strongest holds to deal with. It is also one of the main roots we carry along in life…that garbage that eats at our soul.  It brings depression, anxiety, panic attacks, condemnation, how we react to people and how we treat others.  Our past has a great deal to do with even our moral compass, what we like (and think we like), what we sometimes think people somehow owe us, or what we owe them.  If we were hurt (especially deeply) we don’t always trust people or allow them to really have a place in our life…even if we care…we keep people at a distance because of what things happened real, or imagined, in our life.  Sometimes our memories are not very good…they think something is true when it is not.  People can both live the same situation…but see things 100% differently. Many were abused in ways I won’t even write here.  Some people were bullied, beat up, raped, their reputations destroyed because someone said something and when these things happen people carry them on into the future and into their relationships.  I don’t need to tell you my garbage of the past nor you tell me yours.  I have found that telling God is so much better than telling others who don’t ever seem to keep a confidence anyway.  People gossip, lie, and who knows all the reasons why they do these things, but God never lies to me, cheats on me, gossips about me, tries to ruin my reputation, and there is never any abuse of any kind with God.  Yeah, I trust Him to carry my past, guide my now, and take me into the future. 

Just think about this family of God. As awful as things may be going on in this world, there is something ahead, far greater in our future in the Lord…heaven!  But one thing is left for us to do.  We must follow Jesus with all our heart, mind, and strength.  He is the way, the truth, and the life.  Oh let each of us cast all our cares upon Him. Pray…pray more…be diligent and specific.  God listens.  Our past is but soil for the future.  We need to water the soil and watch it grow so we can have a great harvest in Him. 

Can you even imagine the moment our Lord comes for us and takes us home to Him?  The future for His kids will truly be great.  In Him and only in Him do we find victory at the end of our life.  That last breath we take on earth (or at His rapture of His church)…how glorious it will be to be with Him.  Our life is in preparation for all of eternity.  We might have had a great many distractions, messes, and places and things we should not have done…but now we have a chance to get things right with God.

“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,” 2 Corinthians 4:17.

Don’t let the afflictions you go through now dictate the outcome of your eternity.  Jesus has done so very much for me.  I know I want to feast at the table of my King! There is room at the table for each of us.  You are my brothers and sisters in the Lord and I want to share eternity with you. 

A lot of people in this world commit suicide.  If only they would have opened their eyes to the Lord and gave Him their pain.  The did not understand the secret to glory or that Jesus was truly there for them.  Some are so distraught they don’t know what else to do so that’s why they kill themselves.  How very said for them and for their loved ones.  If only they would have given it all to God before it got to this point.  The past and even the pain of the now haunts so many people.  How I pray that this would stop and they would reach out to the Lord.  I know at one point in my life I sat there with a gun ready to do this…and God said no!  I have something more for you.  I heard it as clear as talking to a close friend.  I thank Him for stopping me from this fate, and I pray anyone feeling this way will reach out to Him and ask Him to help.  If He helped me at my darkest hour….He is willing to help you as well.

Sin calls for grace, weaknesses calls for the perfect Power of God. Oh Lord, we messed up and we need you so much.  Grab ahold of our hand precious Lord.  Lest we never forget what you did for us Lord Jesus.  Give us strength, power, and place your guardian angles around us with a hedge of protection for the rest of our life and for those we love and care about.  Help us learn what to say and do to take back all the enemy has stolen from us.  Give us your peace each day.  For joy comes in the morning…and I expect to receive it.  Use me Lord as I am and fix me for the kingdom! Thank you Lord.

“I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,”   Philippians 3:14.

Oh Lord…call me/us deeper. Deeper than we can even imagine.  I surrender Lord.  Use me!